Wednesday, March 22, 2006


The bolus insulin that Brian takes is called NovoLog. Bolus insulin is what controls your blood sugar from the food you eat. Brian has taken Humulin, Humalog, and now Novalog. He switched because Novalog was the preferred insulin through our insurance company.

It is important to take bolus insulin about half an hour before you eat. That gives the body time to begin processing it, so that when you begin eating, your body is prepared to keep your blood sugar at a normal rate.

Brian's also found that the number of units that he has to take varies with the type of food he's eating. For example, if he has something processed, he takes about a unit for every 6 grams of carbs in his food. For whole grains, he takes only one unit for 9 grams. It took him a really long time to make that determination, but he worked with it until he got it.

Bolus insulin is a God-send for diabetics. It keeps him from having to count every carb throughout the day and account at breakfast for what he might have for supper.


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